Dermaplaning In Little Rock


Dermaplaning is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that involves gently scraping the surface of the skin using a sterile surgical scalpel. This technique effectively removes dead skin cells, built-up debris, and fine vellus hairs, commonly referred to as “peach fuzz.” By exfoliating the outermost layer of the skin, dermaplaning promotes a smoother and more radiant complexion. 

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How it Works

During a dermaplaning session, a trained professional holds the skin taut and glides a surgical scalpel at a 45-degree angle across the skin’s surface.


This motion sloughs off the dead skin cells and vellus hairs, revealing the fresher, smoother skin underneath. The procedure is painless and typically takes around 30 to 45 minutes, making it an ideal lunchtime treatment. 

Benefits of Dermaplaning

Dermaplaning offers a plethora of benefits for your skin. Not only does it enhance skin texture and tone, but it also allows for better absorption of skincare products. Additionally, makeup application becomes smoother, and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles can be reduced. 

Combining Dermaplaning with Other Treatments

Dermaplaning can be combined with other skincare treatments like chemical peels or microdermabrasion. This combination enhances the effectiveness of both procedures, leading to even more remarkable results.

Common Misconceptions about Dermaplaning

There are a few misconceptions about dermaplaning, such as the belief that the vellus hairs will grow darker or thicker. In reality, the hair will grow back with the same texture as before. 

Before, During, and After

What To Expect Before a Dermaplaning Treatment

The first step is to schedule a consultation with a licensed dermaplaning professional. During this session, you’ll discuss your skincare goals, concerns, and medical history.


The practitioner will carefully assess your skin to determine if dermaplaning is the right choice for you. This consultation is also an opportunity to address any questions or doubts you might have about the procedure. 


Your practitioner will provide you with a set of guidelines to follow in the days leading up to your dermaplaning session. These guidelines may include avoiding certain skincare products, treatments, and procedures that could potentially irritate or sensitize your skin. It’s important to adhere to these recommendations to ensure the best possible results and minimize any risk of discomfort. 

What to Expect During a Dermaplaning Treatment

While undergoing dermaplaning, you can expect a soothing experience. Many clients find the process relaxing, and there is no downtime associated with the procedure. Some redness might occur initially, but it subsides quickly, revealing a glowing complexion. 


Using a sterile surgical scalpel, the skilled practitioner will begin the dermaplaning process. Employing a delicate touch and precise technique, they’ll glide the scalpel across your skin at a 45-degree angle. This motion gently exfoliates the surface, removing dead skin cells and vellus hairs without causing any discomfort. 

What to Expect After a Dermaplaning Treatment

Right after the procedure, you’ll notice an immediate difference in the appearance of your skin. It will look and feel smoother, with a renewed glow that’s hard to miss. This instant boost in radiance can be especially exciting and satisfying. 


One of the perks of dermaplaning is that there’s little to no downtime associated with the procedure. While some clients might experience slight redness immediately following the session, it usually subsides within a few hours. This means you can resume your daily activities almost immediately after leaving the treatment room. 

The Dermaplaning Procedure


During an initial consultation at our office in Little Rock, our aesthetician will assess your skin, discuss your skincare goals and skin type, and create a personalized treatment plan. 


Before treatment, we will use a gentle cleanser to eliminate residual makeup, impurities, and excess oil from your skin. Skin must be cleaned beforehand, allowing your aesthetician to deliver optimal results. A gentle toner will be applied to effectively tighten and refine your pores, preventing debris or impurities from entering during the treatment.  


Before your dermaplaning appointment: 

– Discontinue any manual or chemical exfoliation 3-5 days prior to the treatment. 

– If you are currently using retinol, exfoliating serums, enzymes, facial polishes, or scrubs, discontinue their use. 

– Avoid direct sun exposure for 5-7 days before the treatment.. 

– Reschedule your appointment if you have open wounds or acne lesions. 


Dermaplaning is performed by gently scraping a sterile scalpel over your face at a 45-degree angle. Your aesthetician will pull your skin taut and exfoliate your face in small sections using upward motions with the scalpel. The treatment is completely painless and comfortable. 

Treatment Areas

Dermaplaning is typically performed on the face; however, it can also be performed on the more delicate and sensitive skin on the neck and chest. When undertaking this treatment. It is crucial to seek the services of a licensed and trained aesthetician for optimal results. 

Optional Add-Ons

Dermaplaning, while highly effective, can be combined with other treatments for even more enhanced results. One option is to combine dermaplanning with a chemical peel. This allows the peel to penetrate deeper into the skin and can result in a brighter, more even complexion.


Another option is to combine dermaplaning with a facial, which can help to hydrate and nourish the skin even further. Finally, combining dermaplaning with microdermabrasion can help smooth out any rough patches and leave the skin looking and feeling incredibly soft and smooth.  

Post-Treatment Care

After treatment, it is recommended to incorporate additional treatments into your ongoing treatment plan. Additionally, remember to wear sunscreen daily and drink plenty of water to aid in the healing process and achieve a more youthful appearance. Use anti-aging skincare products, as your new skin allows for deeper product penetration, resulting in maximum benefits. 


Immediate results can be observed following the treatment. The procedure effectively eliminates dead skin cells, surface build-up, and fine hair, leaving your skin noticeably smoother and radiating youth and health. As skin renewal takes place approximately every 30 days, this treatment is not a singular, conclusive solution.


Instead, it is advisable to include it as a regular component of the monthly skincare regimen to achieve consistent anti-aging benefits. Our skincare specialists can assist in scheduling your treatments accordingly, ensuring long-term maintenance of the desired outcomes. ​

Repeat Sessions

Patients may schedule treatments every two or four weeks, depending on their skincare goals, skin type, and the rate of dead skin cell buildup. Our aesthetician will recommend the amount of hydrafacial dermaplaning treatments needed for optimal results.


Patients frequently develop a fondness for this treatment and express a desire for continued visits. Furthermore, since this treatment does not yield permanent outcomes, scheduling follow-up sessions to maintain the desired appearance becomes necessary. However, it is crucial to exercise caution and avoid excessive treatments. 


Given that a scalpel facial operates by promoting the regeneration of new cells, it is essential to allow the body to complete the entire skin cell turnover process, which usually takes around four to six weeks. For optimal results, most patients benefit from scheduling appointments with an interval of at least one month. Nonetheless, we will formulate a personalized recommendation after assessing the condition of your skin. 

Post-Treatment Care

Gentle Cleansing

After the dermaplaning procedure, it is recommended to cleanse the face. A mild cleanser will eliminate residual debris or residue from the skin’s surface. It is advisable to avoid the use of harsh or abrasive cleansers as they may potentially cause skin irritation. 

Sun Protection

To ensure optimal protection, experts recommend using a broad-spectrum sunscreen of at least SPF 30, followed by moisturizer. This is especially important as your skin may be more sensitive. 

Minimal Touching

Touching the facial area can introduce bacteria to the skin and lead to irritation. Therefore, it is recommended to minimize face touching after dermaplaning for optimal results. 


Ensuring adequate hydration is crucial to maintaining skin moisture levels from within. This is particularly significant after the dermaplaning procedure, as the skin becomes more susceptible to dryness. 

Avoid Harsh Products

To ensure optimal results, it is advised to refrain from using potent retinol, glycolic, or prescription products five days before and following the treatment. Additionally, avoid wearing heavy makeup for the first 24 hours after the treatment. 

Avoid Hot Water and Steam

To prevent dryness and irritation, avoid using hot water when cleansing your face or taking a shower. Additionally, it is best to steer clear of steam rooms or saunas for a day or two after dermaplaning. Hot water can strip your skin’s natural oils, leaving it feeling dry and irritated. 

Use a Humidifier

A humidifier helps maintain an optimal level of humidity in the environment,  preventing your skin from becoming too dry or irritated. This added moisture in the air can also help heal and rejuvenate your skin, allowing you to achieve optimal results from your facial treatments.  

Who Can Benefit from Dermaplaning?

Skin Type

Dermaplaning is suitable for all skin types, excluding individuals with acne. For individuals experiencing deep cystic acne, it is advised to wait until breakouts have subsided before undergoing this particular treatment. 

Skin Coloring

Dermaplaning is a safe and effective exfoliation method suitable for all skin tones and shades. This procedure is beneficial for individuals with darker skin, as it promptly eliminates dark hairs that contribute to a lackluster complexion. 

Medical History

Before the procedure, a comprehensive evaluation of your medical history, skin type, and skin coloring will be conducted. Please provide detailed information regarding skin allergies and sensitivities to your aesthetician for discussion. 


Frequently asked questions


Is dermaplaning suitable for all skin types?


Yes, dermaplaning is generally safe for most skin types, but it’s best to consult a professional before scheduling a session. 

Can dermaplaning help with acne scars?

Dermaplaning can improve the appearance of shallow acne scars by promoting smoother skin texture. 

Are the results of dermaplaning immediate?

Yes, you’ll notice a brighter complexion right after the procedure, but the full results become more evident in the days following. 

Can I wear makeup after dermaplaning?

It’s best to wait a day before applying makeup to give your skin time to recover fully. 

How long does a dermaplaning session typically last?

A dermaplaning session usually takes around 30 to 45 minutes, making it a convenient option for a quick beauty treatment. 

Is dermaplaning suitable for sensitive skin?

Yes, dermaplaning can be suitable for sensitive skin, but it’s important to communicate your skin type and concerns with your practitioner during the consultation. 

Can I wear makeup immediately after dermaplaning?

It’s recommended to wait at least 24 hours before applying makeup to give your skin time to recover and minimize the risk of irritation. 

Will my hair grow back thicker after dermaplaning?

No, the vellus hairs that are removed during dermaplaning will grow back with the same texture as before. There’s no risk of hair becoming thicker or darker. 

Can dermaplaning help with the appearance of large pores?

Dermaplaning can contribute to the appearance of smaller pores by removing dead skin cells and debris that can accentuate pore size. 

Is there an age limit for dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning doesn’t have a specific age limit. It can be beneficial for individuals looking to improve skin texture, tone, and radiance regardless of age. 

How long do the results of dermaplaning last?

The results of dermaplaning can last for a few weeks. To maintain optimal results, regular sessions every 3 to 4 weeks are recommended. 

Is dermaplaning painful?

Dermaplaning is generally not painful. Most clients describe the sensation as mild tingling or gentle scraping. 

Can men benefit from dermaplaning?

Absolutely. Dermaplaning isn’t limited by gender and can provide smoother, rejuvenated skin for both men and women. 

Are there any risks or side effects of dermaplaning?

While side effects are minimal, some clients might experience temporary redness, which usually subsides within a few hours. 

Can I have dermaplaning if I have a skin condition?

If you have a skin condition, it’s best to consult with your dermatologist before considering dermaplaning to ensure it’s a suitable option for you.  

11220 Executive Center Drive, Suite 201
Little Rock, AR 72211 

Phone: 501-492-8970 



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